I've had a stack of work waiting for me for the past three days, but before I forget, hop over to "Cart Before the Horse" and help Jo and Dylan celebrate the 200th post on their blog...in honor of this momentous occasion, Jo is doing a giveaway, so follow this link and you can add your congratulations and be entered in her giveaway simultaneously! You will recognize her unique and whimsical pieces if you read Cloth Paper Scissors (she was featured in the Jan/Feb 2009 issue), and she has an Etsy shop as well, named, aptly enough, cartbeforethehorse. The giveaway runs through October 1st. Congratulations, Jo, from a new follower who plans to visit often. :)
Now about the stack of work that is waiting: let me begin by saying I am a "process" person. For me, it's all about the journey; the destination is secondary and often not even on my radar. This translates into pieces that I've finished the "art" part of the work, but it needs something more to move from UFO to saleable/giveable/hangable art. At times, I am very prolific, so I tend to have a LOT of UFOs. This is the pile to which I am currently alluding:

"Bubble Fish"
These are bead embroidered pieces on handmade wool felt that are all done EXCEPT they need a backer and/or a hanger to be finished. I keep hoping that elves or fairies will visit me in the night whilst I'm sleeping, but so far, no luck. Maybe the wee folk are on strike. It appears that I am on my own, so I have vowed to get these finished off and listed in my Etsy shop (The Beadfelter's Bag) by the end of the coming weekend.
I am also working on this blog and will be making the rounds of my favorite blogs to hopefully round up some readers/friends/followers (i hope i hope!) cuz it's berry berry lonely without friends!
Okay, enough of shameless self-promotion for now. :D If you've come by, leave a comment please! I very much look forward to hearing what you think. About most anything! He he he :)
We're rural, so don't have that traffic problem.
Love your art work! I'm not craftsy myself (though I had a spell where I was a looooong time ago). Back in the day, we did macrame, and I did quite a few cool pieces for myself and family. In my attic, in a box labeled 'crafts', I have two of a set of needlepoint rose pictures that I did back in the 80s ... waiting to be framed. And a quilt top from a class I took that now I hate the colors of and I never went back to the class that taught you to finish your quilt. Oh, and a fabric panel with a Mexican-ish theme of a donkey and cactus that I was going to turn into a table runner like for a picnic table, also probably from the 80s.
So, you see, if you don't finish those things NOW, you will find your interest wandering to new things, and these will fade away in your attic.
You're right, except that I don't have an attic! I'm a renter, and everything I've saved for too many moves and too many years has to be moved every time we move. Lately I have been in the process of "shedding" excess possessions...some I've donated, some I've brutally tossed out or recycled or freecycled, and it has been an eye-opener, big time! Once in a blue moon I come across a project I started twenty years ago and still like, so I finish 'em. Other times I find it so empowering to say goodbye to it, whatever it is...I am not the same person I was back then, and I don't have to keep it! Wheeeee! ;)
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