Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Makin' Supper

Tonight's supper was a tasty example (if I do say so myself) of my philosophy: use what you have.  I haven't been to the supermarket much lately, having laid in supplies before the holidays to avoid having to shop.  It's not the shopping I dislike, it's the hassles that come with it: parking.  Snow, slush, and ice.  Cold.  Crowds, and I live in a two-university town, so there's always a fair number of drivers and shoppers, on any given day, who don't know where they're going, can't figure out the lay of the land with my town's senseless maze of one-way streets, who learned to drive in other states or countries with different traffic laws and local customs...well you get the picture.  Just making a list to go food shopping with makes me feel that tight-bellied sense of dread one has when one is facing a job interview or a date with the grim reaper.  Hehehe.  Okay, I am just a teensy bit phobic about crowds.  But just a teensy bit.  

But back to where I started, tonight's supper menu.  In my freezer, I found a package of frozen chicken tenders, just five of them, but you could easily substitute half of a chicken breast or more.  Some frozen veggies.  In my cupboard I knew I had a can of celery soup and some chicken broth and some rice.  I've been meaning to try cooking rice in soup for ages, but never had yet, so here was the perfect time to do that.  A little browned chicken, some soup and chicken broth, some rice and a few frozen mixed veggies.  Not exactly reinventing the wheel, I know, but hey, I'm easy to please.  Voila`!  Dinner was served with a minimum of work and no sweat at all.  Cooked in one pot.  And for dessert I used up the rest of the peanut butter cookie dough from night before last, making giant cookies.  

I like simple food, simply cooked, using things that don't require special ingredients not normally found in my kitchen.  That makes any recipe I can find or create with five ingredients or less in it just my cup of tea.  How about you?  I would love to hear some of your classics.  


yoborobo said...

Hi Bonnie! I'm not a huge grocery store fan either. I'm not sure why, except as the mom of many, I have been there far too many times! I agree about simple dinners, and yours sound really good! I try and have good frozen veggies here, and chicken, too, so I will try it. Wanna know what we've been living off of? Hoppin John! hahah! It's so easy to make, just rice, broth, ham, onions, spices and black-eyed peas. BTW, still working out that expression of yours! ;) xox Pam

Jessanne Janus said...

Well mom, you know me, the woman with big ideas and no energy to implement them half the time! :D

But making do is just what's in order on days like that.
The latest thing in "Kitchen Jess" is real basic. Coconut rice with chicken & peas in simple gravy.

The Deal:

- Make your rice with coconut milk (this stuff is cheap and tasty as you know:) - Just simply substitute your water for the coconut milk using added water if needed to round out your proportions in the 2 to 1 ratio typical with rice.

- Cut up your chicken breasts (I use 2 generally to serve 3 ppl) into roughly one inch hunks and throw them into a frying pan with a generous helping of olive oil. Add whatever spices you like the best and plenty of them.

- Take a half a bag of frozen peas cover them with water and throw them in the nuker for 5.5 to 6 mins. (aaahh the nuker, I <3 my microwave.)

- After you have cooked your chicken chunks through take them and throw them in a bowl and leave that lovely grease in your frying pan. Add a little butter to melt and then some flour to make a quick and dirty rue. Add about a cup of milk to your frying pan and stir constantly to make your gravy. You're gunna want to add some extra salt and pepper. When it's thick enough (not too thick, like cream soup consistency) turn off the heat, your rice is most likely done (it'll be a wet and thick rice), your peas are sitting in the microwave (drain off that pea juice), your chicken awaits you quietly on the counter.. now throw everything (cept that rice) into the frying pan, coat the crap out of it with the gravy and serve on your rice!

This whole process takes a grand total of 15 to 20 mins in the kitchen; from cutting the chicken to serve time it is pretty darn quick and only 5 ingredients.

I am one of those people that never measures anything and wants instant gratification. So when you want to try this and you may want to cut down even more on things, serve it on toast! Turns out even kids like this stuff.. ;)

I love you, thanks for giving me a reason to blab on your blog. ^_^

- Jessanne

Jessanne Janus said...

Hey Mom, look at the price of these felt cushions!

RPLancaster said...

Hi Bonnie, Thanks for stopping by my blog Art Dust, thought I'd come and see what you 're up to. Hmm, easy things from the cupboards well I like simple, That may mean a scrambled egg sandwich with a cup of V8 juice or baked chicken breast with lemon, garlic and rosemary add a baked sweet potato ( I think they're best plain with just a little butter, salt,& pepper, add a salad, you got a meal.

The O'Donnell family said...

Bonnie, I'm not sure if you're still using this blogspot to write, but if not, I'd love to use it for much the same sort of musings! I live in Brisbane, Australia and would love to write on the challenge and delight of using what you have. Let me know--hope you're well.