Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nature's Eye Candy

Wow, where do the days go?  This week we're getting back into the groove of school...Girlchild began 7th grade on Tuesday.  I could sleep for a week, but that would be such a waste!  So many projects, so little time!

I thought I would share a couple of pictures I took last weekend from just outside our front door overlooking the woods just beyond the bounds of our rural townhouse complex.  We had a drenching rain, a real opening of the clouds that lasted only a few minutes, and then the sun came out.  Now we have lived here three years, and we've seen a number of rainbows...we seem to be uniquely set up for them given our wide expanse of sky from west to east.  It was late afternoon, and I knew the conditions were right, so I grabbed the camera and went outside, and just look at the intensity of the colors in this rainbow:
And here's a shot to show how big this puppy was:
I must say, this was the most spectacular rainbow I have ever seen in my life, bar none.  Not only was it unusually intense in color, it was HUGE.  The above picture was facing northeast, and the other end of this bow was all the way to due south.  And yes, we could see both ends of it, but for some odd reason all my pics were only of the left end.  But it always amazes me to see rainbows, and I must be blessed because I see them quite often, several a year.  

That's all I've got.  Still have pics to take of work and etsy listings to do.  Plus this week, I have been needle-felting skellies, inspired by Pam over at yoborobo.  That's right, Pam, it's all yer fault. :D  Pics of those tomorrow.

Night yall.


Wander to the Wayside said...

Wow, that is awesome! We don't get them here very often for some reason, and when we do they're not that bright or big. Thanks for sharing yours!

yoborobo said...

I am SO glad it's my fault. YAY ME! Because I know your felted skellies are going to be amazing. I can't wait to see them! :) Gorgeous picture of the rainbow - I love to see them, too.

Have a great weekend, Bonnie. Rest up! We have a few more weeks of school to survive! LOL!

Bonnie said...

hi Linda! glad you stopped by and enjoyed the rainbow. have a great weekend :)

Bonnie said...

hey Pam, you have a great weekend too! i am sooooo glad school is back, believe me! LOL! so is the kidlet...good grief, tho, 7th grade! seems like i was just taking her to kindergarten. time flies!